Post by gandikotamPost by Arindam BanerjeePost by gandikotamPost by MadhuI interpret "derivatives" as: Friedman in his book on "Flat Earth"
praised the H1B system claiming for every visa worker, 5 or 6 jobs
would be created for the benefit of non-visa workers who do the menial
jobs like cleaning houses, dry cleaning, chauffering, etc.
OK (though I was looking the 5 or 6 jobs that are created on the other
side of the H1B, --the worker as the "asset" derivatives in the usual
sense of derivatives market on the asset)
I think what you say is not true about face recognition which has been
controversial for its false positives. There is no behavioral aspect
to it. The neural nets employed are as good as the examples they are
trained with. They call it AI even though the neural nets don't build
any models.
(I never took a course on NN, and I havent touched any machine learning
text since 2006 -- so I don't claim to be correct. but i understood the
point with the blackbox behavoour was though there is no explicit model,
the NN itself is taken as the "model". my own (meta) point was when a
system is implemented and human behaviour is regulated by the black-box
input-outputs the model is imposed "on" the real world rather than the
other way round as is perceived.
When I was in school, they used to teach model-based reasoning. They used
to build deep models. I think it was Lenat who got major funding from US
govt. to build an AI that has common sense among other things. I heard
it was abandoned at some point. The problem with models is most people
can't articulate them well enough. So expert systems as they are called
couldn't capture the expertise of people with know-how adequately. Then
came case-based reasoning that seems to have fit the bill. I am sure it
has some pitfalls. NN's seem to have broken the brain blood barrier so to say.
NN's to me is brute force. As you said, if some people expect others
to modify their behavior to please the AI, then it is something of concern.
One could say while taking a driver's license picture no make up which
won't sit well with some. Similarly credit-rating services using AI can
be tweaked to overlook false negatives to make the sale. Ultimately
the shop keepers decide how much credit a person deserves, not AI.
How much AI it takes for that, is the q.
You must be humoring us. AI has always been there since the days of
Marvin Minsky who wrote a book on Perceptrons -- sort of neurons in
the neural nets. But he took a detour and worked on expert systems,
I believe, that use if-then-else rules.
What else is AI?
I knew AI would take off back in 2007, when I did the architecture and some routines for ultrafast message passing between unlimited number of robots, thus creating the netvous system of an android, say.
As always the case, with me, that work was appropriated by my paymasters with minimal benefit to myself.
I would like some IT company to take interest in this work, let us really go and make a superhuman yet a child.
Capturing the right amount of
Post by gandikotamdetail is a challenge. Beside, Raj Reddy worked on hearsay, a kind of voice
recognition. I read Kurzwell books on mathematical modeling for
voice recognition that was very successful. I think any AI, other than
NN's, is bound to be slower than a real time conversation as the knowledge
base to search becomes too unwieldy after some time.
Well, here is where my work could be useful.
Drones became super efficient after 2010, as I knew they would be.
Post by gandikotamI think there are moral issues about AI. When AI driven car
does some accident, whom to blame, etc.?
The insurance companies will sort that out.
Post by gandikotamThere are also
legal opinions that are case-based. Technically no-need for jury trials.
Or doctors for that matter.
Post by gandikotamThese days home work assignments of students are being done
with AI. chatGPT has captured the imagination of many a big tech
company like Microsoft and Google. Creating canned essays
on school topics seem to be the rage. If cell phones have taken
away our attention span, AI will rob us off common sense.
At that rate,yes. People will only have the wits left to adore media celebs and look presentable.
But for me, AI is to be used in difficult areas, like under sea or outer space.
Deep conspiracies against my new ideas prevent that - anything to keep me down.
People are very satisfied with what they have, no change required thank you.
Definitely no-no to any hint of upsetting the boat.